Logs poll witnesses for cosignatures
Overview of activities:
- A separate bastion host component in Go (new repository)
- A separate witness component in Go (new repository)
- Poll witnesses for cosignatures in log-go
Transform python witness into an HTTP server
Filippo is working on the first two tasks. Nisse is working on the last two tasks. Morten fixes ansible changes as well as ansible for bastion-go once such issues are created.
Consider the scope of this milestone "prototyping" - we make things work as currently specified, then do additional iterations to take possible spec changes into consideration as well as ensuring that all *-go components are "production ready".
To keep the log-go implementation simple to start with, pick an interval and poll all witnesses once? (Nisse: feel free to pick a direction here.)
EDIT 2023-05-04: ansible is deferred. EDIT 2023-05-10: python witness will be nisse's next step, moving to next milestone. EDIT 2023-06-20: lite{bastion,witness} prototypes in Go seem to be working; same with python prototype witness.